A Biography of Muktananda
Baba was born May 16, 1908. By the age of 15 he had frequently seen the sadhu Nityananda, who lived an austere
life in the Kadri Hills of South India with a sect of Natha yogis. An intense face-to-face meeting took place
in 1923, changing the course of Baba’s life. A deep yearning for a life of spirituality took precedence and he
left home forever to pursue an inner journey.
Swami’s account of Baba’s early life is interspersed with amazing stories of Nityananda, (who would become Baba’s
guru) life at Ganeshpuri, and Baba’s travels throughout India and the United States. Included in this marvelous
biography are many precious black and white photos of Baba and his guru, Nityananda.
Baba’s spirituality inspired thousands of people. Through Swami’s book, that darshan continues to flow to the world.
(Review in Hinduism Today — January/February/March 2009 — p.65)
A Biography to be Cherished
Although I have read Baba Muktananda's own biography several times I will re-read it with the newly gained knowledge
and insights in mind. Thank you Swami Prakashananda for this outstanding work.
Brigitte B. Elerick
(Amazon.com Customer Review — May 3, 2009)
"Om Sivaya Swami Prakashananda,
We have been wanting to contact you for sometime and Sagar
Wanted to thank you for writing the book on Bhagavan Nityananda
In fact, as we got towards the end of the book, one night Nityananda
Sarvam Sivamayam,"
Paramacharya Ceyonswami
Hope you are well in the Bliss of Siva.
recently came to the temple and gave us your address.
and Muktananda...finally got a chance to read it, and found it very
inspiring. There is definitely some connection between our lineages.
blessed us in a dream vision, which attests to the power of the book
to connect one with his darshan.
Hindu Monastery
Kauai, Hawaii
"Hey Swamiji...
Whew, I am reading your book, Baba Muktananda, for the second time. It’s fantastic. I particularly love all the divine stories
on Bade Baba's early years. It is just amazing to see how much you were able to find, and then write about it in such a first
class professional manner. What can I say....congratulations, you are truly a fine author. The great ones must be so very
happy with you.
Thank you so very much."
Sarathi (Ron Cernokus)
"Dear Swamiji,
Thank you for writing "Baba Muktananda" A Biography.....I have been waiting 25 years for this.
Thank you again, with great respect and love....."
Wendy Gilliam
It is so very thought provoking. So many memories came flooding back, and I learned so much more about Baba and Bhagavan Nityananda that
I never new. What a delight! Every time I picked up the book to read I was transported to Ganeshpuri or wherever Baba was around the
world, doing his work. He was so amazing in so many ways. You have answered many questions I have wondered about over the years with
simplicity, honesty, and love for our Guru, his devotees and the many seekers around the world that will read this biography. This is a
gift to all of us!
Sweet Wind Book Store
Kamuela, Hawaii
"In this year of worldwide celebrations of Baba's 100th birthday anniversary, we are Blessed with a unique book about our beloved Guru.
Swami Prakashananda has taken us back in time to be with Baba during those inspiring days when Baba toured the world with his message of
Love. Baba's "Meditation Revolution" clearly comes to life, once again, in every page of this historical biography. It seems to please
Shakti Kundalini so much that She is dancing through time and rekindling in us the Grace that Baba gave so freely to everyone.
I couldn't put this book down, I cried from joy as I remembered the many events so lovingly shared and painstakingly researched by
Swamiji. I believe Baba has smiled and waved his peacock feathers and touched us all again through this welcome history on the Guru of
Gurus, our Baba Muktananda."
Swami Ramananda (aka Ram Zager)
"Dear Swami Prakashananda,
This biography of Baba is a masterpiece.
The extent and quality of information you gathered about Baba’s life, sadhana and studies until August 15, 1947, through your travels
and perceptive research is admirable.
After that, you have presented with deep understanding and in a charming style Baba’s role as GURU. You have excellently conveyed his
spiritual greatness and his unique ways of making people aware of their divinity and activating their spiritual development…. Kailash and
I have not only enjoyed reading it, we experienced the feeling of living with Baba as we did in his physical presence…. May Baba’s kripa
be with you always.
With our love and best wishes."
Ram and Kailash Pratap (long time Baba devotees)
"Swamiji wonderfully captures the essence of Baba Muktananda - his LOVE, his enthusiasm for life (especially the
spiritual path of kundalini yoga) and his awesome Shakti. He articulates with great understanding and dexterity the
vital teachings of Baba's Meditation Revolution.
For those who had the great, good fortune of participating in this momentous rasa lila of the last century, get ready
for the ultimate nostalgic trip to the magical '70's - back to a time when heaven came down to earth. For those who
couldn't be there, you will be soon. And you will laugh as heartily as Baba did. Your heart will dance with rapture,
sing with delight and cry tears of joy as you read about this rare, ecstatic and supremely powerful being."
"Dear Swamiji,
I read your biography of Baba, again, as part of my daily contemplation. I must thank you for publishing it, because re-reading about Baba
- especially in my present moments here in Ganeshpuri - brought many tears of gladness and gratitude to my eyes.
Om Shanti"
Nala Pulling
"Dear Swamiji,
I started your books yesterday, and am now on about page 126 of
Baba's biography. I'm so grateful for the work you have done. It is
like a jewel that is carrying our lineage. It is mind blowing to
contemplate the vastness of the Siddha lineage, the power and grace
of it. I really feel the darshan of both Baba and Bade Baba from the
book, and the experience carries through the day. Can't wait to
finish work and go read some more. Thank you so much."
Maria Shen
I just received my copy (of Baba Muktananda - A Biography) and I want to personally thank Swami Prakashananda
for making this book available to the Siddha Yoga community. I have stopped reading it for a moment to send you this
note. How wonderful a job you have done in telling of Baba's life. My gratitude for this offering. As one who was
Blessed to have been with Baba, I can say WELL DONE AND THANK YOU… THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR BOOK.
Gary Baumann (aka Mitrananda)
"I recently read the book Baba Muktananda - A Biography by Swami Prakashananda (www.sarasvatiproductions.com). What a
wonderful work. If you were with Baba, or are curious about the life of one of the most respected and revered spiritual
masters of the 20th century, then please go the link above and read the testimonials. Baba Muktananda is my Guru.
I was Blessed to be in His presence many times and respect all his sannyasins who continue to teach and share the joy
and profound and deep teachings of the path of Siddha Yoga. Swami Prakashanandaji had been with Baba since 1969 and
observed His Divine leela and remembered events with absolute clarity: painting a picture of Baba's life like a master
artist. What a joy his telling brings to the heart as he shares the feeling of what it was like to be in the presence
of Baba. The telling of events such as the meeting of the 16th Karmapa and the black hat ceremony in Ganeshpuri. And
the joy of the meeting between Lama Govinda with Baba. And the kind words expressed in the poem written by Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi that seems to sum up the legacy of Baba Muktananda… This book picks up where Play of Consciousness left
off. I encourage all Siddha yogis and yoginis to read this book. Buy it. You will be Blessed by Baba's touch through
contemplating His life. Remembering the generosity and grace of Baba's effect on my own life I can only say
SADGURUNATH MAHARAJ KI JAY - well done Swami Prakashanandaji. With much respect and love, your friend and Baba's own."
Mitrananda (aka Gary Baumann)
(excerpts from a review on his MySpace blog)
"Dear Swami Prakashananda,
Jai Gurudev!
I read Baba Muktananda – A Biography and I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing this amazing book.
I was born a few years after Baba left his body but I always felt emotional when I thought about the atmosphere
around Baba which was created due to the intensity of the fire of yoga Baba had created within himself. I have to thank you for
capturing those moments exactly like I had imagined them – full of peace, joy, enthusiasm, love, and stillness. There is a feeling
of love for the Guru in each word of the book. Every sentence resonates with Baba’s shakti which turns the mind inward. You have
written it from your heart and hence it will touch countless hearts. This book is bound to inspire many seekers to practice Siddha
Yoga and it has just become another way for Baba to shower his grace on humanity. Thank you once again for this wonderful gift on
Baba’s 100th Birthday. Sadgurunath Maharaj Ki Jai!
Vivek Desai
"My name is Bobbie Garvey. I am the manager of the retail store (Peace of Mind) with in the Synchronicity Sanctuary. A few weeks ago I
purchased one copy of Baba Muktananda- A Biography- for our spiritual director, Master Charles. He has now asked that we sell this
wonderful book in our retail store."
Bobbie Garvey — Synchronicity, Foundation for Modern Spirituality