It was in 1994 when the first collection of 108 stories was published under the title, Don’t Think of a Monkey and Other Stories My Guru Told Me. Over the years Swamiji has heard from many readers telling him how much they enjoyed the stories and asked for more. This second collection of 108 stories is the outcome of their request.
From the book's back cover:
Story telling is an ancient art used by spiritual masters to convey spiritual truths, as well as to point out human follies. Many of these stories are therefore conveyed in a humorous medium. Very often great truths are easily comprehended when narrated in such simple stories. Such stories have usually been passed down from master to disciple. The author heard these stories over a period of many years from his own Guru, Baba Muktananda, who was a master storyteller. During his talks, Muktananda would introduce a story with the words, “This reminds me of a story…” or “Once I read a story…”
Many of Muktananda’s favorite stories were those of the wise and comical Mullah Nasrudin whom he often referred to as “My friend.” His tales are therefore scattered throughout the book, one of which has given the book its title. We are certain you will enjoy these stories and will read them over and over again.
Now available in Kindle format! (free reader app available)